We grow vital good food for community projects including food pantries, community kitchens, community meals and many more. All our collaborations are designed to deliver maximum impact, reduce vital costs for charities and social enterprises and provide the people who access these services with the best quality good food - food that is chemical free, grown seasonally and in line with Mother Nature with zero packaging and waste.
To find out about our current collaborations please visit below or to collaborate with us please email us at hello@weareprojectgrow.com
Grow with Wiggly - Gloucester
At the start of 2024, Project Grow teamed up with Wiggly Charity in a bid to grow 50% of the vegetables used in Wiggly’s Gloucester cookery courses and shared with the community of Kingsholm by utilising the space within the existing community garden at the Heritage Hub. We are working to prove the case for a more sustainable community food system growing chemical free plants and produce with low food miles (less than 0.5 miles from Hub to kitchen) and all with zero packaging and waste. With big thanks to the Greener Gloucestershire Community Fund.
2025 sees our project grow from strength to strength with the addition of the Bishop of Gloucester's garden as our second site allowing us to offer Social and Therapeutic sessions as a service to other organisations.
Fresh Hope Garden Project - Cheltenham
2024 also delivered a 12 month pilot project for the Fresh Hope Food Pantry growing seasonal good food at the Community Rest Garden in Cheltenham. The Pantry located at The Rock serves up to 60 families who pay a membership fee for £4.00 a week for ten items. We wanted to ensure there was no barrier to fresh locally grown vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers so we allowed members to take as much as they wanted.
The project will continue into 2025 delivering to the Pantry every Friday morning from 9am.
Social Source - Gloucester & Cheltenham
Social Source is a collaboration between Project Grow and Wiggly, born out of our Grow with Wiggly project.
As our project has flourished, we realised its potential to deliver even more social impact, by creating a range of fresh sauces and preserves for sale, with all profits feeding into Project Grow CIC and Wiggly Charity. Our products are grown and harvested in Gloucester by volunteers and handmade into small batches of seasonal deliciousness by our Wiggly Chef in Gloucester. Our vision is to grow Social Source to support our growing projects and cookery classes so that we can empower and upskill vulnerable people of all ages and abilities and offer employability opportunities in our kitchens and the garden.
In the first six months of our Social Source project, we have created five products using over 100kg of vegetables from Project Grow. We are grateful to our local independent stockists, listed below, for supporting Social Source by stocking our products. Everything we make is hand-made in small batches by our Wiggly Chef, and when it's gone, it's gone - get down to your local stockist to grab yours while they are still available. All profits go back into supporting our growing and cookery projects for vulnerable people.